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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Brain Food for ADHD

 | By Lori Hamann, M.S.E. - Livestrong
Brain Food for ADHD
Omega-3's are highly supportive of brain function and for quelling symptoms of ADHD. Photo Credit Fish oil vitamins by Stephen VanHorn
ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a mental health condition affecting adults and children. As its name suggests, ADHD is a disorder that compromises mental focus and concentration, impulse control, and activity levels. ADHD may become complicated as one ages, with older people with ADHD experiencing mood swings, low self-esteem, procrastination and anxiety. For those who are opposed to medical intervention, they can choose to manage ADHD symptoms with "brain food"--supplements and dietary enhancements to support brain function.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 is fatty acid that can be found in fish oil, krill oil, flax seed oil and some sources of food. Your body can't create it on it's own, so you must ingest it to maintain proper omega-3 saturation. Omega-3's are essential for overall body processes but are crucial to brain development and the restoration of neurotransmitter levels. Talk to your health care provider about proper dosing for your child, as there is no "set" dose, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Adults should take in no more than 3 g per day of essential fatty acids.


Individuals with ADHD have lower levels of magnesium than those who do not. Low magnesium can lead to irritability, sleep disturbances, hyperactivity and even aggressive behavior, according to Natural News.com. The site also states that "Magnesium is also a key factor in the production of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that provides a feeling of calm and well-being." Magnesium also calms the body, relaxes muscles and aids in digestion. You can choose to supplement with magnesium, or increase the amount of magnesium-rich foods in your diet. Foods like nuts, tofu, green vegetables, kelp and pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is essential to brain function, and can help calm symptoms of ADHD. It's knows as an anti-stress vitamin. It also supports the immune system, wards off depression and supports concentration. Progressive Health.com states, "Vitamin B6 is required for normal brain development and is essential in the synthesis of brain chemicals including serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine." You can supplement with B6, or a B complex vitamin--or seek foods that are rich in B vitamins such as tuna, banana or chicken.


5-HTP is short for 5-Hydroxytryptophan. It is a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in certain foods--like turkey and milk--or can be extracted from the seed of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia. When ingested, 5-HTP it is converted to serotonin, says Nikki Jackson of Neurogistics.com. Proper serotonin levels are supportive of increased focus, concentration, memory and less impulsivity. Balanced ratios of inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters are important for optimum functioning, so talk to a health care practitioner before supplementing with 5-HTP.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital

by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News
Baby Levi

All three of their babies have been taken away from them and placed in the care of strangers. Levi was 10 months old when his mother, local singer and songwriter Erica May Rengo, gave birth to his twin brother and sister, at their home in Bellingham, Washington.

“Our birth was glorious,” she said, and the twins were reportedly healthy, full-term babies, who had no problem quickly figuring out how to breastfeed. The little family was overjoyed until CPS stepped in to “help.”

It is another medical kidnapping according to the parents. The Rengos have chosen a wholesome, holistic lifestyle, based in their Christian faith. But CPS has stepped in to override the parents’ decisions. Now Erica and Cleave are living what they call a nightmare, separated from their children for reasons that don’t make any sense at all to them.

Decision to Home Birth

It was only natural for Erica to choose normal, family-centered birth. Erica herself was born at home, and says that her mother was a homebirth educator and La Leche League leader (a world-wide support and education group for breastfeeding mothers). She and Cleave chose a birth-center birth with their first baby, but decided to birth at home the second time. She knew that her body was perfectly designed to work for birth. She believed this was the direction God was showing them for the birth. Erica was very careful during her pregnancy to watch her diet and exercise, in preparation for the birth. She read, researched, and prepared.

She describes her homebirth as “exquisite” and “empowering.” Morna Kai Grace and Daniel Clemente were born into their parents’ loving arms.

The birth was perfect. There were no complications with the birth or afterwards. But Erica and her husband Cleave had agreed to notify the local paramedics, in an effort to appease concerned family members who were fearful of their decision to birth at home. That is where their problems began.

Erica May 1
Baby Levi with mom Erica

The Medical System Gets Involved

Sometime after the babies arrived on October 2, paramedics arrived to find the twins nursing and everybody doing fine. The twins each weighed over 5 lbs, and the paramedics allegedly verified that everyone appeared healthy. The paramedics allegedly recommended that they go to the hospital for evaluation, which is standard procedure for EMTs.

The Rengos say they declined, telling them they didn’t want to expose their newborns to the dirty environment of the hospital. They were planning to follow recommendations they had found, which stated that newborn twins should stay home for the first six weeks of life, to give their immune systems the opportunity to build up.

CPS Shows Up

Because they chose not to go to the hospital at that time, the paramedics allegedly called CPS. A couple of social workers showed up the next day, and wanted to see all of the children. CPS told Erica that they were “here to help.” But Erica says that is not at all what happened.

When the social worker found some eczema on Levi’s skin Erica told her that she was treating it with some herbal remedies, including comfrey and calendula, as well as applying coconut oil and giving probiotics. She was also doing an elimination diet to try to locate what could be causing the skin condition. Even though it was in the healing process, the social worker became critical that Erica wasn’t treating his eczema with steroids, a treatment option that Erica wanted to save as a last resort because of the side effects. The CPS agent would later testify to the judge that Erica had neglected to treat him completely.

Even so, the eczema was the only thing wrong. Erica says, “right away they found out that the children were not in danger.” The twins were completely healthy; the house was clean; and there are no drugs or alcohol involved.
The Rengos agreed to take the children to a pediatrician, who said the babies were doing fine.  The only concern was that the twins were slow to gain weight. At the time, Erica was trying to maintain a supply for three breastfeeding babies. She says she followed the pediatrician’s advice to supplement with formula, and the babies promptly got back on track with weight gain.

This was allegedly verified by a nurse sent out by CPS to check on them.

Erica May and Cleave are holistic in their approach to life and health, preferring natural alternatives, like herbs and diet changes, to medicinal treatments. Those things appear to be options only if CPS is not involved.

CPS Takes Custody of Children

On November 6, CPS showed up at the front door while Erica was softly singing and playing her guitar to her resting babies. When she checked the door, they told her that they were there to take her children, citing neglect for not giving Levi steroids for his eczema, and the home-birth without medical prenatal care with the twins, as well as the allegations of abuse, accusations which Erica had already assured them were completely unfounded. She also had prenatal care, just not with a doctor.

With one baby on her back, the frightened mother fled out the back door with her children to a neighbor’s house, but police and CPS “hunted her down,” and took all three breastfed babies from their mothers’ arms. The twins were 5 weeks old.

Erica broke down into sobs as I spoke with her. “My children were safe and healthy with me.” Since they have been taken by CPS, Daniel has reportedly had pneumonia, and Levi has reportedly been diagnosed with “behavioral problems” because he screams and cries all the time.

He is screaming, Erica says, because he wants his mom and dad.

Why Are Children with No History of Abuse Being Taken Away from Loving Parents for Medical Reasons?

Children who have not been abused in any way have been taken by CPS from loving parents for reasons so flimsy that it has left the Rengos and their friends stunned. Several of their friends write that Erica is “a great mama.”

“This is not the right thing to do to mothers and children,” Erica emphasizes. “If they thought we needed help, they should have brought help in, not taken the children out. They have suffered and I have suffered since our separation.”

Erica feels that she and her children are being abused by the system. When they separate babies from their loving mothers, she says “they are dehumanizing people. The outcome of that is so much worse than any kind of dispute for medical reasons.”

Cleave and Erica were supposed to have their visitation with their children on Monday, but there wasn’t a social worker available to supervise the visit. Levi’s first birthday is on Black Friday. The day will be black for Erica and Cleave, but for very different reasons than the holiday retailers. They will miss their first child’s first birthday because CPS won’t have any workers available to supervise a visit that day either.

The Stressful Separation of Infants from Parents

Erica is a brokenhearted postpartum mother who wants nothing more than to be at home with all of her children by her side. Research shows that infants do not comprehend separation from their mother; they feel abandoned when they aren’t with her. Has it really come to the point where CPS can justify the emotional trauma to the children simply because parents don’t choose to follow every recommendation of the medical associations?
In President Obama’s immigration speech last week, he asked, “Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms? Or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?”

Yet it is this very nation whose Child Protection Service agencies have ripped tiny babies from their parents’ arms simply for the crime of disagreeing with a medical decision. If this could happen to a family who has only sought the most natural of care, then whose children are safe from CPS? Should this type of medical tyranny be tolerated?

Erica May and Cleave Rengo face a court date on December 2. They don’t know what they will face then. Supporters are hoping that their story will be shared far and wide, and their children can be returned home quickly.

The Governor of Washington is Jay Inslee. His office number is 360-902-4111. You can email him from here.
Read the full article and comment at MedicalKidnap.com.

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Saturday, November 8, 2014

How To Clear Your Sinuses With Your Tongue and Thumb in 20 Seconds

sinus infection is the most annoying and uncomfortable feeling.  Unfortunately, sinus infections are very common; it affects around 37 million Americans a year.  Sinus infections are an inflammation of the lining in the sinus cavities. Sinusitis can be caused by colds, flu, bacteria or allergies. Fortunately, you don’t have to over-medicate yourself with conventional drugs, there are many natural and effective remedies for a sinus infection.

How to Clear Your Sinuses with Your Tongue and Your Thumb in 20 Seconds
Push your tongue against the top of your mouth and place a finger between your eyebrows and apply pressure. Hold it for about 20 seconds and your sinuses will begin to drain.
According to Lisa DeStefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University college of osteopathic medicine, this causes the vomer bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth, says The motion loosens congestion; after 20 seconds, you’ll feel your sinuses start to drain.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

NWO Update: Whatever is Going to Happen is Going to Happen Soon

My email and phone have been busy taking reports from long-time associates and their uniform stories about what is coming to American in 2015.  I have never seen a time when so many are all talking about the same set of issues.  something big is about to happen.

A FEMA Camp Hidden In Plain View

An interesting event transpired at Mount McGregor prison in Wilton, N.Y.  this past summer when a Channel 13 news crew from New York was filming a commemoration of an historic event on public land when they inadvertently were filming an abandoned prison in the background.
In the middle of the filming, an unmarked car came racing down a hill and an officer, reminiscent of Barny Fife, ran up to the news crew and threatened them with arrest and demanded they turn over their video. The officer identified himself as “Lieutenant Dorn”. The news crew refused to comply  and were eventually allowed to go on their way when they refused to cower in the face of this seemingly senseless tyranny.

The New York Department of Corrections released a statement that have many scratching their collective heads:
“We regret that this situation escalated, however the WNYT news crew blatantly disregarded a state officer who informed them they were trespassing. Department regulations state that photographs taken while on Prison property require prior permission. This policy is for the safety of all staff, visitors and prisoners.”
Staff? Prisoners? What staff and what prisoners would be at an abandoned prison? The answer to that question will be provided near the end of the article.

 Obama Explains the Intention of FEMA Camps

guantanamoSome misguided and very ignorant people will steadfastly deny the existence of any FEMA camps. Yet, there is one FEMA camp where people are held without having been charged, much less convicted of a crime. This FEMA camp prison is so ubiquitous that even the most ardent supporters of George W. Bush and President Obama cannot deny the existence of this FEMA camp where prolonged and indefinite detention, without any due process, represents the new “rule of law” in the United States. And where is this camp located?
In the video below, President Obama talks about the FEMA camps and explains their purposes. 
“Prolonged Detention” is the term being used to justify holding people for being an “undefined” 
threat. You can be locked up for an indefinite period of time.

Reporting on FEMA Camps Could Be Dangerous to Your Health: Just Ask Glenn Beck

One morning, Glenn Beck announces he’s going to break the story of “FEMA Camps” and the threat they pose to Americans as we descend into becoming the  land of tyranny. However, by that night, Beck does a 180 degree turnaround and denies their existence. Just who got to Beck?

Where Is This Subterfuge Headed?

My sources tell me that the events of 2015 are going to be frightening. However, it is not just my sources, my media colleagues are being told the same by their confidential informants, as well, and the message is uniform.  Things are coalescing and are quickly coming to a head. Ebola is the springboard, but not necessarily the end game.
Both Paul Martin and John Moore  are stepping out in a very prominent manner and publicly revealing what their sources are saying. Yesterday, John Moore  released the following:

“…Yesterday, (11/3/2014) my source was in the company of a high level (CEO level) oil executive with 50+ years experience in the oil industry. My source was a non-participant in listening to conversation between the oil executive and a third party who also has decades of experience in the oil industry.

The topic of the conversation was these two men pondering why none of the US oil refineries had any inventories of crude oil in inventory to be refined into finished product.

They had no answer.

My source and I pondered this as well. My initial conclusion that this is an attempt to artificially create a shortage to increase prices, I have since rejected.

Upon further reflection, I now conclude that the simple answer is the correct answer: They don’t have crude oil because they won’t need crude oil. As it turns out, my source, independent of me, came to the same conclusion.

The next step in this matter is: why won’t they be refining oil? In that regard, my source hopes to have a follow-up conversation with the oil executive in the next 48 hours.

The list of possible reasons for this is short. None of them are good.

“1.) WW III
2.) Economic collapse
3.) The national power grid going down
4.) Nation-wide flu epidemic or Ebola running rampant
5.) The Ferguson MO matter spinning wildly out of control, leading to civil disorder in a number of major cities. That said, St. Louis is critical to a very large percentage of daily commercial activity in the USA.
A.) Major rail hub North-South…East-West
B.) Interstates I-70. I-55, I-44, I-64, US 40, US 61, US 67 all converge at St. Louis
C) All river traffic for the Missouri and Mississippi rivers North-bound pass through St. Louis.”

In a brief 5 minute conversation, just prior to going on the air Sunday night, Paul Martin told me that Ebola is going to be released in a widespread manner and that many of the elite, with prior knowledge, are leaving the country. Two years ago, I had my own brush with these types of revelations as I had a friend retire from FEMA and move to his bug out location. My friend had told me that America was likely to witness bioterror attacks with pathogens that the “the world has never seen”.
In the past three days, broadcast colleagues, quoting their sources, are relating very similar stories. Most of these revelation center around citizen roundups and forcible “prolonged” detention in a camp in response to some crisis. Certainly, Ebola provides that backdrop as I have reported on Human Health Services “ambulance contracts” designed to transport Ebola victims and those people exposed to Ebola and transport them to a FEMA camp.
I am told that by two of my best and current sources that all options are on the table, but that I am correct in being concerned with mass detentions which they both believe to be a goal that will be a part of whatever comes.


George Noory, Glenn Beck and Michael Savage knows what is coming. I know people who have told them. Beck and Noory can dance on the fence that forms the line between their mainstream media positions and their pretend positions as an emerging force in the alternative media. Neither of these two can be taken seriously. Savage feels he has to be careful. He talks about some of these issues on the periphery of his show, but he has lost affiliates and he obviously feels he should be careful.
And what about the abandoned prison New York? A couple of things comes to mind. First, Lieutenant Dorn and his abrasiveness is not the story. The fact that he does not want the prison filmed even as a backdrop, speaks volumes. I have learned that the “they are making a movie there” is a cover story. The Channel 13 news crew stumbled upon a FEMA camp that is not supposed to exist.
As more facts come to light in the coming weeks, more details are going to leak out and undoubtedly, more information will leak out and more coherent picture will be forthcoming. Meanwhile, it might be a good idea to stock up on the essentials.

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Monday, November 3, 2014

Is The Earth Actually A Living Being In And Of Itself? This Video May Indicate So

My Science Academy

We’ve all seen images of extreme weather from space. But none of those could prepare us for this video just released by NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. Using real data, this simulation’s volume-rendered clouds depict seven days in 2005 when a category-4 typhoon developed off the coast of China.
We’ve all heard of the concept of mother earth, or the “gaia hypothesis” and how the planet isn’t just made of dead matter, but is actually a conscious, living being.
Just look at that.. amazing.

Contrary to the common belief that the Earth is simply a dense planet whose only function is a resource for its inhabitants, our planet is in fact a breathing, living organism. When we think of the Earth holistically, as one living entity of its own, instead of the sum of its parts, it takes on a new meaning. Our planet functions as a single organism that maintains conditions necessary for its survival.

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Wear this Technology to Experience Psychosis with Digital LSD

n the 1950s, when the CIA helped loose Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann’s “problem child” LSD into American history, psychologists believed that it might be a way to simulate and understand psychosis – the class of substances including acid, mescaline, and magic mushrooms were considered “psychotomimetics,” only later reconsidered and rebranded “psychedelics” (“mind manifestors”) when people learned that tripping amplifies the context and expectations of the tripper. Treating them as though they triggered temporary madness made it so. A generation passed before the hippie revolution during which the value of these chemicals seemed either to induce suggestibility in captured spies or to allow a doctor to imagine, understand, and sympathize with schizophrenic patients.

Fast-forward forty years. Tim Leary in his final years declared the World Wide Web this generation’s LSD, the next great psychedelic. And in many ways, the visionary acid-head was right: the Web breaks boundaries, dissolves our human egos into something more transparent and trans-national, creative and unstable. Among the many brilliant youth in Leary’s entourage was Jaron Lanier, computer whiz (and genius ethnomusicologist) who dreamed up “virtual reality” and now designs immersive game environments for Microsoft. The Labyrinth Psychotica is, then, direct descendent of those early trials – a virtual reality encounter with psychosis, a measured portal into deep hallucination.
Cyberspace, like other psychedelic substances, reflects the dreams and minds of those who use it. Both ministers and criminals find applications – it brings us all together and it opens up new battlefields. And now it does a better job of what the post-war shrinks of picket fence America intended for Lysergic Acid: letting us inside each other’s heads, allowing us to take a little tour through other minds. You want to know what crazy is? Just take a ride in Jennifer Kanary’s world-bending virtual reality. Bad trips are easy to escape – unless, of course, you have a problem with the internet.

Source: http://channel2.globalish.com/wear-this-technology-to-experience-psychosis-with-digital-lsd/

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