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Saturday, September 20, 2014

ISIS - An Interesting Symbolic Observation

Will Fontaine
Vanguardian Media

Amid the ISIS controversy, an interesting observation has surfaced regarding the letters in the name ISIS and the dollar symbol '$'.

It has recently been pointed out by occult specialists and symbologists that the letters 'I' and 'S' form a dollar symbol when layered over top of one another, resulting in a "$$" when the letters of ISIS are overlaid in the order mentioned above. Speculations abound in regards to this discovery with such references as predictive programming, frequency manipulation, and Archontic mind control.

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Thursday, September 18, 2014

NSA Recruiter Assaults Student for Asking Questions About Data Collection

Lou Colagiovanni (TheAntiMedia)
September 18, 2014
NSAThe University of New Mexico hosted a Engineering & Science Career Fair on Sept. 17, 2014 for students to meet with potential employers.  The National Security Agency was among those in attendence, with a booth and a less than cheerful representative.  The NSA’s recruiter’s name was Neal Z. who did an absolutely horrible job in speaking with two curious students about the NSA and their policies.  From a different perspective Neal Z. did a phenomenal job in exposing the authoritarianism and hostility that those in power have against individuals who dare to ask questions.
The entire interaction was hostile from the very beginning with Neal Z. speaking to the students, Andy Beale and Sean Potter, in a mocking tone.  First the NSA rep claimed:
NSA is not permitted to track or collect data about US persons.
Any person who has been following the NSA scandal knows this is a complete boldfaced lie.  There is a billion dollar facility in Utah which is used to process all of the data that the NSA collects.  Members of the Utah’s statehouse have publicly discussed how to shut down this facility.
After Neal Z’s falsehood was debunked he said that the NSA had the ‘legal authority’ to collect data.  This is a curious point to make as something being legal does not make it morally correct.  Slavery, as an outrageous example, was once legal and codified into law.
The conversation degenerated from there, until Neal Z. threatened to call security.  Neal Z. then took the bold move of physically placing his hands on one of the students recording him.  Had the students placed their hands on the NSA rep they would have surely been arrested and charged with assault.  However, instead of Neal Z. being arrested the students were removed by campus security.  To Neal Z’s credit he immediately released the student after realizing that he was committing a felony.
One has to wonder why the NSA would send such an obviously charisma lacking lackey to attempt to recruit students.  Did they believe that students at a collegiate level were unaware of their data collection programs, or that students wouldn’t take the opportunity to question their representative?  Why didn’t the representative take this opportunity to attempt to recruit these two obviously interested students?  Could it be that the NSA is only interested in recruiting individuals who don’t ask too many questions?
Orwell lives.
Watch the entire encounter below:

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

15 Famous Landmarks Zoomed Out Tell a Bigger Story

We've seen them in pictures and in guidebooks. The world's most famous landmarks live in popular imagination in their idealized form, but it can be surprising to see them in person. While some landmarks can be even more awe-inspiring when you take in their natural surroundings, others have been swallowed up by sprawling cityscapes.
In our perfection-obsessed society, it's tempting to crop out distractions and focus on the main subject. But as these images show, it can be just as enlightening to see how a landmark fits into an environment, and how a tourist attraction sticks out from a natural landscape. Here are 15 zoomed-out photos of famous landmarks around the world:

1. Taj Mahal

Image Credit: AP

Image Credit: Imgur

2. The Great Pyramids of Giza

Image Credit: AP

Image Credit: AP

3. Stonehenge

Image Credit: AP
Image Credit: AP

4. Niagara Falls

Image Credit: AP
Image Credit: Imgur

5. The Brandenburg Gate

Image Credit: AP
Image Credit: AP

6. The Parthenon

Image Credit: AP
Image Credit: Imgur

7. Mount Rushmore

Image Credit: Getty
Image Credit: AP

8. The Forbidden City

Image Credit: AP
Image Credit: Imgur

9. Hollywood

Image Credit: AP

Image Credit: Imgur

10. Central Park

Image Credit: Getty
Image Credit: Imgur

11. The Arc de Triomphe

Image Credit: Getty
Image Credit: Imgur

12. Santorini

Image Credit: Getty
Image Credit: Getty

13. The Statue of Liberty

Image Credit: Getty
Image Credit: Getty

14. Eiffel Tower

Image Credit: Getty
Image Credit: Getty

15. St. Basil's Cathedral

Image Credit: Getty

Image Credit: Getty

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pranotthana or Kundalini? An In-Depth Look at the Spiritual Awakening Process

Swami Santaram Saraswati
Director Satyananda Ashram, Spain

Recently a large number of books and magazines have been published concerning investigations into the reality of kundalini. Unfortunately, much of what has been written shows only a very preliminary and partial knowledge of the actual awakening process. In many texts, the pranotthana or release of pranic force within the body has been confused with the actual awakening of kundalini. Pranotthana is the first thing that happens as the individual evolves, and it is this release of energy which triggers off the actual awakening of kundalini. Without pranotthana the kundalini is not awakened.

There are two ways in which pranotthana can take place. The first is by regular practice of asanas, pranayama, concentration and meditation techniques. Through these practices, the prana is gradually released in the body, starting the preliminary process of purification of organs, glands, nervous system, brain and nadis. The complete purification comes only with the kundalini awakening and rising to the brain.

The second way in which pranotthana occurs is by shaktipat, the awakening of energy effected by a guru. Shaktipat does not directly awaken kundalini, it only releases the prana of the disciple. However, it is this prana in movement that awakens the kundalini. The time it takes to do so depends on the mental and physical impurities of the disciple as well as on his attitude towards the guru who gave him shaktipat and towards this new process working in him.

Whether pranotthana occurs by individual efforts or by the activation of one's prana by a guru, the fact is that this is not kundalini awakening as many people are saying. The confusion perhaps came about because the process which pranotthana affects on the body and mind of the individual is somewhat similar in the beginning to that of kundalini awakening. Some books state that this energy - kundalini - awoke and rose up to the brain, either straight away or after a few times, in many individuals. Nevertheless, these people carried on with their normal lives, apart from an improvement in health and mental clarity. This shows that it was not the kundalini energy that rose to the brain, but the pranic force released by pranotthana. This force follows the same pathways as does kundalini energy. It starts in mooladhara and ascends the spine, purifying the chakras, partially but not completely, until it reaches the brain. This pranic force thus makes it easier for the kundalini purificatory process which will come about at a later time.

As the pranic force purifies, it creates automatic body movements, spontaneous asanas, pranayamas, visions of lights, etc. as it encounters inner physiological and psychological blockages. Once pranotthana has finished its initial work of purification, it normally stabilises itself for a time, before it starts dealing with the kundalini energy,. After a time, kundalini awakens. With the kundalini awakening, spontaneous movements, mudras, bandhas, pranayamas, generation of a lot of heat, psychic visions, etc. start occurring. But these are of a more intense and deeper nature than those caused by pranotthana. It is now that spontaneous natural meditation occurs and not before. It is now that real purification takes place, and the state of consciousness of the individual radically changes. A higher state of awareness automatically dawns on the individual, and his behaviour, relations with his environment, understanding of things, etc. changes completely. He definitely seems to be a different personality. Powerful changes occur in every field of his physiology and psychology. Automatically, the man starts becoming more subtle and spiritual, or on the other hand, starts behaving like a neurotic. If he still has many blockages - not having purified himself by the practice of asanas, pranayamas, mudras, bandhas, concentration, karma yoga, etc. - the awakening can cause temporary insanity. Such people may spend some time in the mental hospital. These extreme cases occur when inexperienced individuals try to awaken their kundalini energy through unscientific methods, without any preparation. However, when properly initiated and guided by an experienced guru, kundalini awakening is a spiritual rebirth for the aspirant.

However, everything does not end here. Awakening of kundalini in itself is not a difficult thing, what is important is the ascending of the energy through the sushumna passage, and this is not easy, truly it isn't. The awakening can be effected by any guru or by your own efforts in yoga, but what then? The ascent through sushumna is clogged with samskaras, physical and psychic impurities. These great barriers are the obstacles which the kundalini energy itself will have to pull down and burn. This process will affect the aspirant in many ways causing great physical transformation, psychic visions, e.s.p. experiences, strange illnesses, unconsciousness, etc. all this depending on the impurities he has on the different levels of his being. But these are only transitory things, which go away as they came, leaving a purified awareness.

Truly this is the energy of evolution, without which a man will remain ordinary, his latent faculties dormant. Once you have put your foot on this path, you will never want to go back.

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